AP4:s globala aktieförvaltning tilldelas internationellt pris

Financial News - Awards for Excellence in Institutional Hedge Fund Management Europe 2013 - Most Pioneering European Institutional Investor in Hegde Funds

AP4 erhöll i konkurrens med andra europeiska förvaltare pris för fondens  globala aktieförvaltning. Priset gavs med följande motivering:

AP4 were shortlisted subjectively by the FN editorial team who considered,  where available: recent investment performance, risk-adjusted investment  performance over three years, fund flows, reputation amongst peers, significant  hires, innovations and business developments, and any other considerations  considered pertinent. The shortlist was then put to a distinguished independent  panel of industry practitioners who casted their votes electronically on the  shortlisted companies/individuals.

AP4 were triumphant as they were the nominee with the highest percentage from  the accumulated scores in their category.