Award to AP4: Sovereign wealth fund of the year 2023

The Sustainable Investment Awards 2023 named AP4 "Sovereign wealth fund of the year 2023". The award is presented by The Environmental Finance Sustainable Company Awards, which each year recognizes companies in all sectors that are both leading and driving in the work towards a sustainable future.

The jury for the Sustainable Investment Awards paid particular attention to AP4 for the sustainability development work carried out in 2022, including the introduction of the AP4 Alignment Score, a tool for stock selection based on forward-looking data in all sectors regarding companies' alignment with the Paris Agreement.   

Niklas Ekvall comments on the award: "AP4 is honored to receive the award in the category "Sovereign wealth fund of the year 2023". Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time for society and for long-term investors like AP4. At AP4, we work continuously to develop our climate strategies to make investments that contribute to both the climate transition and the fund's return."

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