Press releases and news

  • Press release

    Invesco and AP4 partner to explore the Road to Carbon Neutrality in new study

    As the urgency to address climate change increases, investors are recognising the importance of carbon neutrality and its impact on investment strategies. In a new report, AP4 and Invesco have joined forces to analyse the current landscape and explore the risks and opportunities associated with temperature alignment for investors.

  • Press release

    Good return in the first half of 2024

    The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund's (AP4) return for the first half of 2024 amounted to 6.9 per cent after costs. As of the end of June 2024, AP4's fund capital amounted to SEK 533.3 billion, compared with SEK 499.6 billion at the beginning of the year. Profit for the first half of the year was SEK 34.6 billion. During the same period, SEK 0.9 billion was transferred net to the pension system.

  • News

    Climate strategies in the global equity portfolio

    AP4 integrates climate strategies for all investments in the global equity portfolio. These strategies are tailored to the conditions of the different sectors and sub-portfolios. The aim is to reduce the climate risks of the portfolios, contribute to the climate transition and provide a good return to the pension system.

  • News

    Thematic sustainability analysis

    AP4 continuously analyses sustainability trends and seeks out investment opportunities that are expected to contribute to, and benefit from, the transition in the long term and which also provide a good expected return. Investments with a specific focus on the climate transition are developing at a rapid rate and this year’s thematic analysis has provided AP4 with the latest knowledge and refined tools.

  • Press release

    AP Funds strengthen the Swedish income pension system by adding SEK 142 billion

    The First-Fourth AP Funds performed well in 2023 and strengthened the financial position of the income pension system by SEK 142 billion. The result corresponds to an average return of 8.1 per cent. At year-end, the four funds managed total assets of SEK 1,880 billion. The net payments of the AP Funds to the pension system totalled SEK 19 billion. This contributes strongly to the stability of the income pension system and its mission to maximise benefits for current and future pensioners.

  • Press release

    Good returns in uncertain times

    The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (AP4) reports a good return of 9.6 per cent after costs for the full year 2023. With a profit of SEK 43.9 billion, fund capital increased to SEK 499.6 billion after SEK 4.8 billion was transferred net to the pension system during the year. The portfolio's carbon dioxide emissions decreased by 11 per cent compared to 2022 and AP4 has reduced emissions by a total of 65 per cent since 2010. AP4 takes responsibility as owner and served on 56 nomination committees during the year.

  • News

    AP4 recognized at IPE Awards 2023

    AP4 won three awards at the award ceremony at the IPE Conference & Awards in Vienna on 28 November: Portfolio Construction & Diversification, Public Pension Fund and Long-Term Investment Strategy.

  • Press release

    Cautious stabilisation in first half of 2023

    The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund’s (AP4’s) return for the first half of 2023 was 6.0% after costs. AP4’s fund capital as per 30 June 2023 amounted to SEK 485.6 billion, compared with SEK 460.5 billion at the start of the year. The result for the first half of the year was SEK 27.7 billion. During the same period, a net total of SEK 2.6 billion was paid by AP4 to the pension system.

  • News

    Award to AP4: Sovereign wealth fund of the year 2023

    The Sustainable Investment Awards 2023 named AP4 "Sovereign wealth fund of the year 2023". The award is presented by The Environmental Finance Sustainable Company Awards, which each year recognizes companies in all sectors that are both leading and driving in the work towards a sustainable future.

  • News

    Focus on: In times when the energy issue came to a head

    2022 was a challenging year in the financial markets. In addition to large and rapid changes in real interest rates, pricing in the energy markets was extremely volatile following the outbreak of war in Ukraine – a war in which, on top of all the human suffering, has also radically changed the game rules for the world’s energy supply.

  • News

    AP Funds’ Council on Ethics -led collaboration to engage tech giants

    The Council on Ethics of the Swedish AP Funds (AP1, AP2, AP3 and AP4) have organised a group of institutional investors with EUR 6.4 trillion in combined assets under management to collaboratively engage tech giants with the aim to strengthen their management of human rights risks and impacts.

  • News

    Jenny Gustafsson recruited as Head of the AP Funds' Council on Ethics

    Jenny Gustafsson has been appointed as the new Head of the AP Funds’ Council on Ethics. Jenny joins the Council from AMF and will lead the work of further strengthening the Council and contributing both to value creation in the income pension system and to more sustainable societies. The recruitment is part of the development of the Council.

  • News

    AP Funds’ Council on Ethics playing a key role in enabling good outcomes when the focus is on sustainability

    The AP Funds’ Council on Ethics had a highly active 2022, with more than 3,200 companies being screened for possible violations and incidents. One project that was successfully closed in 2022 centred on child labour in the cocoa sector. A further 16 new dialogues were initiated. In eight proactive projects the focus is on human rights, the climate and corporate governance and 86 reactive company dialogues are ongoing, aimed at addressing and preventing serious accidents and incidents linked to lack of sustainability.

  • Press release

    A dramatic year with major financial turbulence

    2022 was characterised by financial turbulence with rapidly rising interest rates and sharply falling values for most asset classes. The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund’s (AP4’s) return for the full year 2022 was SEK -11.9% after costs, and the net result for the year was SEK -62.5 billion. After a net transfer of SEK 4.7 billion to the pension system during the year, fund capital amounted to SEK 460.5 billion at year-end 2022. The portfolio’s CO2 emissions decreased by 3% in 2022, and the CO2 emissions have decreased by 61% since 2010. AP4 takes its responsibility as an owner and served on 46 nomination committees during 2022.

  • News

    AP Funds’ Council on Ethics to drive positive change even more effectively

    The AP Funds' Council on Ethics is expanding in response to an audit conducted during the year. The Council on Ethics has decided to recruit an executive director whose duties will include establishing an administrative office to continue to drive positive change in companies in which the AP Funds have holdings.

  • News

    Investors turn to courts after VW withholds climate lobbying details

    Volkswagen AG is facing a legal action by institutional shareholders after it refused repeated attempts to reveal crucial information on its corporate climate lobbying. This is the first time investors have started European litigation on a climate-related matter. The case was filed this week.

  • Press release

    A turbulent and challenging first half of 2022

    The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund’s (AP4’s) return for the first half of 2022 was -12.6% after costs. AP4’s fund capital as per 30 June 2022 amounted to SEK 459.1 billion, compared with SEK 527.6 billion at the start of the year. The result for the first half of the year was SEK -66.6 billion. During the same period, a net total of SEK 2.0 billion was paid by AP4 to the pension system. The portfolio’s active return during the first half of the year was -2.3 percent.

  • News

    The 2021 Annual Report of the Swedish National Pension Funds’ Council on Ethics: Further increase in transparency in the Council’s dialogues

    The AP Funds’ Council on Ethics sums up a very active 2021and further increases transparency. The annual report presents a more transparent account of the impact dialogues and the milestones achieved. Eight proactive projects have been conducted to improve sustainability in difficult and vulnerable sectors and 85 reactive company dialogues have been conducted to enable companies to address serious incidents and prevent future incidents.

  • Press release

    AP1, AP2, AP3 and AP4 post record profits of SEK 316 billion in 2021

    Together, the AP Funds (AP1-AP4) achieved their best result ever of SEK 316 billion. This significantly contributes to the stability of the income pension system and the mission to be of the greatest possible benefit to current and future pensioners.

  • Press release

    Very good return for AP4 against the background of strong economic recovery

    The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund’s (AP4’s) return for the full year 2021 was 19.2% after costs, and the net result for the year was SEK 85.7 billion. This is the highest result ever achieved since AP4 began operating in 1974. Active management continued to be successful and contributed 3.5 percentage points to the return, corresponding to SEK 15.2 billion in 2021. After net transfers of SEK 7.5 billion to the pension system during the year, fund capital increased to SEK 527.6 billion at year-end 2021. AP4’s carbon emissions for the listed equity portfolio decreased by an additional 23% during the year.

  • News

    The AP Funds to conduct a strategic review of the Council on Ethics

    The First, Second, Third and Fourth AP funds will jointly conduct a strategic review of the Council on Ethics, as ESG and responsible investment practices are increasingly integrated into the AP Funds' asset management strategies and objectives. In connection to this, John Howchin, Secretary General of the Council on Ethics since 2009, announces that he is leaving his role.

  • Press release

    Favourable return as the world transitions from crisis to restart

    The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund’s (AP4) return for the first half of 2021 was 10.0 before costs, and 9.9% after costs. AP4’s total fund capital as per 30 June 2021 was SEK 489.8 billion, compared with SEK 449.4 billion at the start of the year. The result for the first half of 2021 was SEK 44.5 billion. During the same period, net payments from AP4 to the pension system totalled SEK 4.2 billion. The portfolio’s active return during the first half of the year was higher than the return for AP4’s benchmark portfolio, by 0.8 percentage points. Currency exposure at the end of the period was 21.0% of fund capital, which was unchanged since the beginning of the year.

  • Press release

    AP4 reports good return for 2020

    After a year dominated by the Covid-19 pandemic and exceptional market movements, AP4’s return for 2020 ended at 9.6% after costs. Successful asset management contributed 2.4 percentage points to the return. The net result for the year was SEK 39.3 billion, and during the year the fund capital increased to SEK 449.4 billion after a total of SEK 7.9 billion was paid out to the pension system. Total costs amounted to 0.09% of assets under management. AP4 has cut the carbon footprint of its investments in the listed equities portfolio in half since 2010 and has now concretised new, ambitious climate targets aiming to once again halve the carbon footprint by 2030 with a view to have net-zero emissions by 2040 at the latest.

  • A tumultuous and dramatic first half-year 2020

    The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund’s (AP4) return for the first half of 2020 was -2.5%  before and after costs. AP4’s total fund capital at 30 June 2020 amounted to SEK 403.2 billion, compared with SEK 418.0 billion at the start of the year. The result for the first half of the year was SEK -10.6 billion. During the same period, net payments from AP4 to the pension system totalled SEK 4.2 billion. The portfolio’s active return during the first half of the year was lower than the return for AP4’s benchmark portfolio, by -0.7 percentage points. Currency exposure at the end of the period was 19.7% of fund capital.

  • News

    Council on Ethics influences safety in mining and focuses on deforestation, money laundering and climate efforts.

    For more than 13 years, the AP Funds’ Council on Ethics has exercised influence on the AP Funds’ global portfolio of listed companies to improve their environmental, human rights and corporate governance work through engagement and dialogue. During 2019, the Council on Ethics’ efforts and involvement have focused on areas such as inadequate safety in managing mine waste, known as ‘tailings’. Other focus areas include money laundering, long-term environmental efforts in the oil industry, and deforestation in South America.

  • AP4 posts record result for 2019

    The return was very strong in 2019 and amounted to 21.7% after costs. Successful active management contributed 4.4 percentage points to the return. The result for the year totalled SEK 75.2 billion, and total fund capital increased to SEK 418.0 billion at year-end. Total costs amounted to 0.10% of assets under management. AP4’s cost level was 47% lower than for corresponding pension funds in an international comparison. During 2019 the carbon footprint of AP4’s equities portfolio decreased by a further 11% and is now 48% lower than for a broad global equities index.

  • Press release

    Strong return in continued turbulent market

    With a return of 13.0% after costs, total fund capital increased to SEK 391.4 billion at the end of the first half of 2019. The portfolio’s active return during the first half of the year exceeded AP4’s benchmark portfolio by 1.7 percentage points. The half-year result amounted to SEK 45.2 billion. A net total of SEK 3.0 billion was paid out to the pension system during the first half of the year. Adjusted to a full-year basis, total costs amounted to 0.10% of average assets under management.

  • Press release

    New issues in focus during 2008 for The Council on Ethics

    For more than 10 years, the AP Funds’ Council on Ethics has exercised influence on the AP Funds’ global portfolio of listed companies to improve their environmental, human rights and corporate governance work through engagement and dialogue. During 2018, the engagement and efforts of the Council on Ethics have been directed at problem areas such as Facebook and human rights; the use of pesticides threatening the survival of bees; and the legalisation of cannabis in Canada and the emergence of listed cannabis companies. Other focus areas have been oil companies’ long-term climate work, deforestation in South America, and tailings dams in Brazil.

  • News

    Niklas Ekvall on Fiduciary Investors Symposium

    Niklas Ekvall participated in a panel discussion on this year Fiduciary Investors Symposium. The panel discussion was about Climate change integration and Niklas was accompanied by Salwa Boussoukaya-Nasr, CIO at Fonds de réserve pour les retraites.

  • News

    The Council on Ethics conducts a review of the standard for mine tailing dams

    The Church of England Pensions Board and the Council of Ethics of the Swedish National Pension Funds (the Council on Ethics) will represent investors through the industry organisation PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) in a joint initiative with ICMM (International Council on Mining & Metals) and the UN (UN Environment Program) with the aim of creating an international standard for mine tailing dams.

  • Press release

    A turbulent year, but active management delivered

    The return for the year was -0.1% before costs and -0.2% after costs. Active management contributed +2.3 percentage points to the return – a significant and important contribution during a year with weak market returns.

  • Press release

    The Council on Ethics of the Swedish National Pension Funds (AP Funds) recommends exclusion of Vale S A

    The Brazilian mining company Vale S.A has within a short timeframe been involved in two major accidents where tailings dams in Minas Gerais in Brazil has collapsed, with multiple fatalities and extensive environmental devastation. The Council, together with other investors, has conducted an extensive dialogue with Vale after the first accident at Mariana in late 2015. The focus has primarily been on ensuring that the company took responsibility for that accident but also that the company carried out a review regarding the safety of its other tailings dams in their operations.

  • Press release

    AP4 increases sustainability ambitions – divests from nuclear weapons and oil sand

    AP4 has long experience in integrating sustainability in its asset management operations. AP4 is at the forefront internationally and was recently ranked as the leading pension fund internationally when it comes to addressing climate change in asset management. AP4 is of the view that by taking responsibility as owner and by lowering the climate risk in the portfolio, AP4 can contribute to higher long-term sustainable returns.

  • Press release

    Five awards to AP4 at leading European pension conference

    The Pension & Investment Europe Pension Conference was recently held in Dublin, Ireland. The annual conference brings together pension providers from all over Europe. At the conference, each year, industry-leading performances among pension funds are awarded in a prize-ceremony.

  • Press release

    AP4 supports UN-initiative that calls on finance industry to tackle 'tobacco epidemic'

    During 2016 AP4 made a business decision not to invest in tobacco companies, since we anticipate that rising long-term risks will have a negative effect on tobacco company valuations in the future. Now, AP4 joins the initiative Tobacco-Free Finance Pledge that aims to highlight financial institutions that have implemented tobacco-free finance polices and encourage others to do the same.

  • AP4's fund capital grew to SEK 367 billion

    With a positive net result of SEK 13.7 billion, total fund capital grew to SEK 366.9 billion during the first half of 2018. The return was 3.8 % after costs (3.9 % before costs). AP4 exceeded both its medium-term and its long-term return target. During the first half of 2018 a net total of SEK 3.3 billion was paid out to the pension system.

  • AP4 prepares for new investment opportunities

    The changes to the investment guidelines for the AP Funds are near. These changes will are planned to be implemented in two steps. The first step, which will give the AP Funds increased possibilities to allocate to illiquid investments, will be effective as of January 1, 2019. The second step, which aims to enable the AP Funds to invest in unlisted instruments directly, is planned to take effect on July 1, 2019. These changes are a welcome modernization of the current investment guidelines that are almost 20 years old by now.

  • AP4 finalizes sale of more than 20 coal companies

    AP4 has finalized the sale of more than 20 coal companies from the global equities portfolio. The sale means that AP4 now reduces the carbon footprint to approximately 57 percent of that of a broad global equities index*.

  • AP4 publishes climate report in accordance with the TCFD's recommendations

    Today the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (AP4) published a climate report in accordance with the Task Force on Climate-related Disclosures’ (TCFD) recommendations. The report is structured in accordance with the TCFD’s four thematic areas: Governance, Strategy, Risk Management, and Metrics and Targets. In addition, the report provides examples of AP4’s climate-related risks and opportunities.

  • Press release

    The Council on Ethics focuses on counteracting corruption

    The Council on Ethics of the Swedish National Pension Funds (the Council) celebrated ten years in 2017. During these ten years, the Council has influenced global portfolio companies to improve their work and information regarding environmental, social issues and corporate governance through corporate dialogues. During 2017 the dialogues have included discussions and meetings with companies relating to corruption, human rights and workplace issues in several industries, where the AP Funds as active owners have worked to bring about positive changes.

  • AP4’s fund capital increased to SEK 356.6 billion

    With a net result of SEK 30.1 billion for 2017, AP4’s fund capital increased to SEK 356.6 billion by the end of the year. The net return was 9.1 per cent (9.2 per cent gross of costs), and AP4 outperformed both the income index and the long-term return target. Net outflows to the national pension system totalled SEK 7.4 billion during the year.

  • AP4 is a Jobbsprånget partner

    During the spring of 2018, as a partner of the Jobbsprånget programme, AP4 will offer two internships to university graduates that have recently arrived in Sweden.

  • AP4's fund capital increases to SEK 348 billion

    With a positive result of almost SEK 17 billion, the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (AP4) fund capital increased to SEK 348 billion - a new record level. The return for the first six months amounted to 5.2 percent after costs. Over the past ten years, AP4 has returned 88 percent after costs, which equates to an average annual return of 6.5 percent.

  • The Ethical Council Annual Report 2016 - Human rights continues to be in focus

    The Ethical Council of the Swedish AP Funds celebrates ten years 2017. During these ten years the Council has through engagement encouraged the AP Funds' global portfolio companies to improve their work on environmental issues, human rights and corruption. In 2016 dialogues have covered companies regarding the fishing industry in Thailand and the guest workers' situation in Qatar.

  • AP4's fund capital increased to SEK 334 billion

    A profit of over SEK 31 billion increased the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund’s (AP4) fund capital to SEK 334 billion in 2016. This amounted to a return of 10.0 percent after expenses. AP4 exceeded both the income index and the long-term return target.

  • AP4 is part of a global initiative that assesses the transition to a low-carbon economy

    Earlier this week the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) was launched. The initiative will assess how a transition to a low-carbon economy can affect their investments. The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (AP4) is a part of the initiative that in total consists of 13 international asset owners and five international asset managers.

  • AP4 does not invest in tobacco companies

    AP4 has made a business decision not to invest in tobacco companies given the risks involved are deemed to be significant and that over time these companies will underperform the index.¹ "Tobacco company" refers to companies that manufacture tobacco products for smoking (cigarettes, cigars, etc.) and snuff in various forms.

  • Investing in UN targets

    AP4 is one of nine global investors that has pledged our intention to invest in accordance with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In order to promote and encourage these kinds of value-creating investments, here after Sustainable Development Investments (SDI), a defintion is provided.

  • 130 investors call on G20 nations to ratify Paris agreement

    130 investors - including AP4 - has signed a letter demanding that the leaders of the so-called G20 countries ratify the climate agreement that was reached in Paris last December. The signatories to this letter are investors with more than USD 13 trillion in combined assets under management.

  • AP4's fund capital increases to SEK 312 billion - a new record level

    With a profit of SEK 5.7 billion, the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (AP4) increases fund capital to a record level of SEK 312 billion after net outflows of three billion kronor to the pension system. The total return for the first half of 2016 amounted to 1.9 after expenses.

  • AP4 announces today a continued action in decarbonizing its Equity Portfolio

    In order to reduce its exposure to climate risk, AP4 has allocated 21.8 % (US$3.2 billion of US$14.7 billion as per 1 June 2016) of its global equity portfolio to low carbon strategies and AP4 is now prepared to proceed with its long-term target to decarbonize its entire global equity portfolio by 2020.

  • AP4 ranked 3rd out of 500 institutional investors

    AP4 has been awarded the highest rating (AAA) and positioned itself in third place out of 500 institutional investors in the Asset Owners Disclosure Project (AODP) Global Climate 500 Index. An increase from last year when AP4 was placed on a ninth place.

  • Ethical Council Annual Report 2015

    The Ethical Council of the Swedish AP Funds has an important task – to encourage portfolio companies to enhance their performance on environmental and social issues. The AP Funds are long-term, responsible and committed investors. The Ethical Council’s dialogues with companies make a difference. During 2015, the Ethical Council conducted dialogues with 178 companies around the world concerning a total of 254 incidents, pertaining mainly to business ethics, human rights, labour rights, corruption and the environment.

  • Swedish delegation participated on the G20 and B20 meetings on green finance

    The G20 has set up a new working group for green financing in order to lift the financial system’s importance in a sustainable development. As Sweden’s policies and market development in green financing is considered very interesting and relevant, a Swedish delegation was invited to participate on the G20 working meeting and policy session in London at the end of March.

  • AP4's Fund capital increased to SEK 310 billion

    With a positive profit of SEK 20 billion the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (AP4) increased fund capital to SEK 310 billion in 2015. Total return amounted to 6.8 percent after expenses. Active management outperformed the Index for the seventh consecutive year.

  • AP4's CEO awarded Honorable Mention for paper on climate risk

    The Investor Responsibility Research Center Institute (IRRCi) has just presented the winners of the IRRC Institute Research Award for the fourth consecutive year. The competition seeks innovative research that examines the interaction between the real economy and investment theory.

  • AP4 ranked number 7 in the IRRI Survey 2015

    In the IRRI Survey, published in the beginning of 2016, AP4 is ranked number seven when the question “Which asset owner contributes most to the wider SRI debate”? is asked. Out of the top ten ranked pension funds, AP4 is the only Swedish.

  • "Let a hundred flowers blossom" - Mats Anderssons letter from the CEO.

    "Sustainability is a way to reduce risk and ultimately increase returns for the portfolio manager with a long-term mandate. There’s an old misconception that there would be a conflict between return and sustainability. On the contrary! I would like to say: No company, or organization can have long-term success if sustainability is not high on their agenda." With that words, Mats Andersson starts his letter from the CEO in AP4's Sustainability and Corporate Governance Report 2014/2015 that was published on December 22. Read the whole letter below:

  • AP4 publishes 2014/2015 Sustainability and Corporate Governance Report

    Integrating sustainability into asset management is absolutely necessary for long-term management. For AP4, Sustainability and Corporate Governance is about taking responsibility and helping companies to become successful and generate a solid return in the long-term. This helps to safeguard pensions.

  • Transition to a green investmentworld

    Today AP4's CEO, Mats Andersson, has participated in a seminar organised by OECD and the Nordic Council of Ministers. The other speakers at the seminar were Yngve Slyngstad (Bank of Norway), Thina Saltvedt (Nordea Markets) and Kristina Persson (Swedish minister for Strategy, Future Issues and Nordic Cooperation. Simon Upton (OECD) moderated the seminar.

  • "Billions mobilized today will be trillions tomorrow" - AP4's CEO at COP21

    This monday, on December 7th, the organisation Caring for Climate arranged a sideevent to COP21 entitled Accelerating Climate Action. AP4's CEO Mats Andersson participated at the event and gave a speech about the importance of the financial sector beeing involved in the climate issue by looking over their investments. The other members of the panel was H.E. Mr. Manuel Pulgar-Vidal (Minister of the Environment, Republic of Peru), Mr José Manuel Entrecanales Domecq (Chairman, Acciona) and Ms. Winnie Byanyima (Executive Director, Oxfam International).

  • Allianz and ABP joins PDC

    Yesterday (7/12) the Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition (PDC) announced that two additional global investors, Allianz and ABP, joins the coalition. The pressconference, that took place at COP21, was attended by UNEP FI, Mats Andersson (CEO AP4) and Oliver Bäte (CEO Allianz).

  • AP4's CEO on site at COP21

    AP4's CEO Mats Andersson is currently on site at COP21 in Paris. During this Saturday he performed a speech at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change's (UNFCCC) event Journée de l'Action - COP21. Among the speakers during the day was Al Gore, Francois Hollande, Johan Rockström, Phillipe Couillard and Ban Ki-Moon.

  • PDC surpasses the target of $100 bn USD in decarbonization strategies

    The Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition (PDC) is run by AP4 along with the United Nations Economic Programme (UNEP), Amundi and the Carbon Decarbonization Project (CDP). The aim is to get investors worldwide to measure and disclose their carbon footprint and to reduce their carbon footprint.

  • AP4 invests in children's rights

    The Global Child Impact Equities Fund is the first fund to focus on children's rights. The fund is developed in partnership between RobecoSAM and the Swedish Royal family's foundation Global Child Forum. The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (AP4) is one of the first large investors.

  • AP4 supports G20 Energy Efficiency Investor Statement

    The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (AP4) has recently joined the global initiative G20 Energy Efficiency Investor Statement. The initiative comes from the UNEP FI, PRI and Ceres. Apart from AP4, the initiative has been signed by other Swedish investors like the Church of Sweden, AP1, AP2, AP3, Alecta and SPP.

  • This years Earth Overshoot Day

    On August 13th this year's Earth Overshoot Day occurred. Earth Overshoot Day is the day when humanity has used up all the resources that the earth produces in one year. From now on, until the end of the year, we will have to live on borrowed resources.

  • AP4's CEO on FN100 Most Influential list

    When Financial News presents their annually FN100 Most Influental list, AP4's CEO Mats Andersson is listed on a fifth place in the category "Pensions and Investments".

  • AP4's CEO on carbon pricing

    "I think it's essential that if you want to be serious about fighting climate change, there is no way without putting a price on carbon".

  • AP4 reaches a new record level with 310 billion in fund capital

    Together with a profit of SEK 18 billion, the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (AP4) increased fund capital to SEK 310 billion, a new record level. The total return was 6.1 percent after expenses. AP4 has thereby exceeded the long-term return target.

  • Open letter to Finance Ministers in the Group of Seven

    120 investor CEOs from around the world have written an open letter to finance ministers urging them to support the inclusion of a long-term emissions reduction goal in the international climate agreement due to be sealed in Paris in December.

  • Hollande highlights decarbonization and green bonds

    During this week’s Business and Climate Summit in Paris, the president of France Francois Hollande emphasized in a speech how important it is that the financial sector decarbonize its investment portfolios.

  • 25 worldwide business networks calls upon global climate deal

    An unprecedented mobilization of 25 worldwide business networks, that participated at the Business & Climate Summit held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on May 20-21, has called upon national and international policymakers to reach a global climate deal at this year’s United Nations’ COP21 Summit in Paris.

  • AP4 nominated to the RI Reporting Awards 2015

    AP4 is nominated to the RI Reporting Awards 2015 for its Sustainability and Corporate Goverance reporting. A total of 16 funds have been nominated (8 large and 8 small/medium).

  • AP4's CIO and deputy CEO awarded

    AP4's CIO and deputy CEO Magnus Eriksson has been awarded the Institutional Investor European Awards 2015 - Scandinavian Public Pension Manager of the Year.

  • New record high for AP4 - fund capital rose to SEK 295 billion

    Total return for the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (AP4) was 15.7% after expenses in 2014. AP4 delivered its best earnings to date of over SEK 40 billion. AP4’s active management outperformed the index for the twelfth consecutive six-month interim period. AP4 overshot both short- and long-term return targets.

  • AP4:s Fund capital reaches a record level of SEK 276 billion

    The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund's (AP4) positive result provided a contribution of close to SEK 19 billion to the pension system. AP4’s active management outperformed the index for the eleventh consecutive six-month period. Fund capital increased to SEK 276 billion.

  • AP4 supports the proposal of the Japan's Stewardship Code

    The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (AP4) works to promote good corporate governance in the financial markets and is of the opinion that the proposal of a Japanese corporate governance code (“The Japan’s Stewardship Code”) is an important step to promote the Japanese stock market and Japanese corporate governance.

  • AP4 hands in its Scania shares

    AP4, the Fourth National Pension Insurance Fund, has decided to hand in its shareholding in Scania (corresponding to about 0.6% of the capital in Scania) in accordance with Volkswagen’s offer.

  • The Ethical Council Annual Report 2013 - Impact through dialogues

    The Ethical Council is developing its preventive dialogues in order to get companies to act more responsibly and thereby reduce the risk that they violate international conventions. The focus areas for the Ethical Council in 2013 included human rights, business ethics and environmental issues in the telecom, pharmaceutical, tobacco and cocoa industry.

  • AP4 invests in engagement funds

    The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (“AP4”) made substantial investments during Q1 2014 into two engagement funds established by GO Investment Partners (“GO”).

  • AP4 comments upon the Volkswagen bid for Scania

    The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund's (AP4) will carefully assess and evaluate the bid that now has been placed on Scania. It is an important task. Scania is a world-class company and holds a long track record of positive development as an independent and listed company. There are good reasons to believe that this can be upheld also in the future.

  • AP4 invests in Bank of America's green bond

    Bank of America Corporation announced today that it has issued a “green bond” consisting of a three-year, fixed-rate bond that is $500 million in aggregate principal amount. This issuance of bonds is part of the company’s ongoing commitment to advance renewable energy initiatives and promote energy efficiency.

  • AP4 invests in FMO's green bond

    On Wednesday, 6th November 2013, the Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voorOntwikkelingslanden N.V. (FMO ), the international development bank of the Netherlands ratedAAA (negative) by S&P, has priced its successful inaugural Sustainability Bond, a 5-year EUR 500 million RegS transaction.

  • Magnus Eriksson appointed Deputy CEO of AP4

    The Board of AP4 has appointed the Fund’s Chief Investment Officer Magnus Eriksson to the position of Deputy CEO. He will also continue to work as AP4’s Chief Investment Officer.

  • AP4 overshot targets and Fund Capital rose to SEK 241 billion

    AP4’s total return was 6.3 %, contributing over SEK 14 billion to profit for the period January–June 2013. AP4 benefited from its high proportion of equities in the upbeat performance of equity markets in Sweden and around the world.

  • Investor Statement on Bangladesh

    In light of a series of recent calamities in Bangladesh apparel manufacturing plants resulting in an overwhelming loss of life, we, the undersigned investors and stakeholders including 118 organizations representing over 1 trillion in assets under management, are calling on industry leaders to implement systemic reforms that will ensure worker safety and welfare, and to adopt zero tolerance policies on global supply chain abuses.

  • AP4 nominated for Best RI Report 2013 - Large Pension Funds

    The RI Reporting Awards will showcase excellence in responsible investment and ESG reporting, encouraging best practice and transparency by recognising the highest standards in the disclosure of responsible investment activities by asset owners globally.

  • AP4 receives Financial News Award

    AP4 receives Financial News Awards for Excellence in Institutional Hedge Fund Management Europe 2013 - Most Pioneering European Institutional Investor in Hegde Funds.

  • Ethical Council's annual report for 2012 - engagement yields results

    Focus areas in 2012 included human rights, business ethics and environmental issues in the extractive, tobacco and cocoa industries. The Ethical Council has seen many examples where dialogue can be an effective tool to influence companies towards sustainable stewardship.

  • AP4 overshot short- and long-term return targets

    AP4’s total return was just over 11% in 2012. The positive outcome made a contribution of SEK 23 billion to the pension system, of which SEK 1.8 billion was generated by AP4’s active management. It was the fourth consecutive year in which AP4’s active management outperformed the benchmark index, thus delivering a better return than passive management. Fund capital increased to SEK 230 billion.

  • Pension Funds recover $2.425 Billion

    Pension Funds Recover $2.425 Billion for Shareholders in Bank of America Securities Class Action: A Historic and Outstanding Result for Investors.

  • A strong six months

    AP4’s total return was 5.8% for the period January – June 2012. Fund capital increased to just over SEK 220 billion. The Fund’s active management outperformed the benchmark indexes by over 0.8 percentage points, contributing SEK 1.6 billion to the return.

  • Bokslutskommuniké 2011

    In a weak stock market, in which the fund capital decreased slightly compared to the previous year, the Fund's active management made a positive contribution of close to SEK 0.5 billion.

  • The Annual Report of the Ethical Council 2009

    The Ethical Council of the First, Second, Third and Fourth AP Funds has today published its annual report for 2009. The report details the dialogues that the Council holds with companies where indications exist that the companies in question have violated the AP funds’ ethical guidelines.

  • Ethical Council appoints Secretary-General

    The Ethical Council of Sweden’s AP funds has strengthened its operations by appointing John Howchin as Secretary-General. His primary role will be to coordinate the Ethical Council’s corporate dialogues and the investor initiatives which the Council supports. He will also help to develop the Council’s strategies and focus areas.

  • AP4 sells holdings in cluster-bomb companies

    The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (AP4) is selling its holdings in companies that market cluster munitions. These holdings are being sold on the advice of the Ethical Council of the Swedish National Pension Funds, which has studied the convention banning cluster munitions, a convention endorsed by Sweden in May 2008.

  • AP funds coordinate etics activities

    Through the formation of an Ethical Council, Sweden’s national pension buffer funds, AP1, AP2, AP3 and AP4, have coordinated their SRI analysis of environmental and ethical compliance in the foreign companies where the funds have holdings.

  • AP4 rejects Old Mutual's offer for Skandia

    The Fourth National Swedish Pension Fund’s holding in Skandia is long-term. The Fund rejects Old Mutual’s offer for Skandia. The reasons given by Skandia’s Board of Directors are shared fully by the Fund

  • Press release

    AP4 appoints external managers

    Fjärde AP-fonden (the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund) has appointed external managers for equity investments in Japan and Pacific.

  • AP4 announces search for external equity mandates

    Fjärde AP-fonden (the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund) has, in the beginning of April, announced two external equity mandates in EU´s central public procurement database, Tender Electronic Daily