Council on Ethics of the AP-Funds

The AP Funds are of the position that well-managed companies that take responsibility for sustainability issues generate higher returns with lower risk over time.

The Council on Ethics of the AP Funds (the Council on Ethics) is a collaboration between AP1, AP2, AP4 and AP4 aimed at leveraging their joint strength to influence companies to strive for sustainable value creation and transparent reporting. Through dialogue and talks, the Council on Ethics engages itself to influence companies and sectors both proactively and in response to incidents. The Council on Ethics’ collaboration revolves around the companies included in the AP Funds’ respective portfolios of listed companies, mainly the foreign holdings.

Cooperation – a key to success

The AP Funds’ joint work and communication on sustainability issues contributes to sustainable development, strengthens the AP Funds as responsible owners and exemplary asset managers, and contributes to greater trust in the AP Funds.

Jointly working for positive influence creates greater strength in company dialogues and contributes to better investments and sustainable returns. The Council on Ethics works proactively with companies to prevent incidents from taking place. The Council on Ethics also works reactively. If a violation of an international convention has already taken place, the Council on Ethics urges the company to take action to ensure that such a violation is not repeated.

Cooperation with other international investors with similar sustainability agendas creates greater opportunities to influence companies in a positive direction and increased transparency in reporting.
Pia Axelsson, Senior Sustainability Manager at AP4

The Council on Ethics’ work and annual report

The Council on Ethics’ work is reported yearly on its website and in its Annual Report, which can be found at the Council on Ethic's website